Dashboard Solutions

Participant Target is Showing 0 on the Project Dashboard Ignoring the Participant Count and Feedback Submitted

How do the Delta Health scores work? Why am I seeing N/A?

Participant Target is Showing 0 on the Project Dashboard Ignoring the Participant Count and Feedback Submitted

What to check for: 

If participants have access to active features/phases in the project. 


That dashboard number is defined by participants who have access to at least one active feature/activity. If there are currently no active features or activities in that project the participant target number and percentage will remain 0. Just like most things in the dashboard, the metrics essentially are aligned with Delta test rules and best practices.

Suggested Solution: 

Assign features/phases to the desired participant teams. Once participants start completing the assigned features/phases the dashboard target number/percentage will reflect the completions.


How do the Delta Health scores work? Why am I seeing N/A for my health score?



Customer often ask what exactly goes into a Delta Health score, and why their score is low or showing N/A

Suggested Solution: 

The way the Delta Health and Delta Success scores work is that you need a certain amount of completed activities and completed feedback based on the number of target participants you have. For each phase half of the health score comes from activity completions, and half come from feedback submissions.

For activity completions, a perfect score (netting you 50% of the health for that phase) would be every activity being completed by every user.

You then total up these combined scores, and if the result is over 60% you will get a health rating, otherwise you will get N/A.

Health Score calculator:
